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Facing the cold may mean also facing your cold sore virus — but familiarizing yourself with the winter conditions that can trigger your cold sore is a great way to help avoid an outbreak. Here are some simple ways to help steer clear of cold sores this winter.
Stay Healthy
Winter can make you more vulnerable to getting a cold or the flu, and either of these states may increase your body temperature. Since a fever can trigger a cold sore outbreak, it’s important that you take extra precautions against getting sick.
- Give your body ample protection by dressing for the weather. This might mean wearing a hat, scarf, gloves, or whatever you might need to keep your body warm and your immunity up.
- Drink lots of fluids, especially water, to stay hydrated and keep your system flushed. This is not only great protection against germs, but hydration also defends your lips from the dry air caused by winter heating.
Wind and Sun
Winter winds can be cruel to anyone’s lips. But if you’re someone who gets cold sores, dry lips can leave you particularly vulnerable to an outbreak. Be certain to always wear lip products that help protect against chapping and sunlight. Remember, the sun’s rays can be damaging even in the winter.
Take a Nap
The good news is that winter is naturally a great time to catch up on sleep and relax indoors. Both of which help to avoid fatigue and stress, which can trigger cold sores. A nap is also a great way to boost your immune system. By being well rested your whole body, including your lips, will thank you.